
Las Vegas - Super Bowl might rule in the United States, but soccer RULES the rest of the world. Super Sunday usually attracts more than 100 million viewers, while the UEFA final has had between 100 and 300 million eyeballs. And you can forget about the World Cup, which brings in north of THREE BILLION viewers. So, with that, on to the first quarter final matchup between Paris Saint-Germain and Atalanta. Careful, because it's AT A LANTA from Italy, and not the ATL in Georgia.

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Las Vegas - Fire up the Zamboni baby, and start growing your beard. The Stanley Cup playoffs have finally arrived and we're ready to skate. And by the way, I CAN skate backwards!

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Las Vegas - Running a little late today? Ask me why? Why Eck? Just finished counting all my cash from Colin Morikawa's PGA win that we gave out at 30/1. Yes, THIRTY to ONE!!!

Love the picture of him dropping the top of the trophy. Mrs. Ecks & Bacon told me that's what my face looked like after he dropped the EAGLE putt on the 16th hole!!!

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Las Vegas - You've probably heard that the Mid-American Conference (MAC) has cancelled the fall football season and we're hearing that other conferences might be next. UH OH!!!

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Las Vegas - Starting out in Spain this afternoon, and gonna rock Barcelona over Napoli in the second leg of the round of 16. The first leg was played in Italy, and it was a 1-1 final, with Luis Suarez missing out with injury. Suarez is available to return to the front line featuring Antoine Griezmann and the GREAT Lionel Messi in attack. That's enough of a reason to open the wallet, but you want more? Check this out, but PLZ sit down, because you might fall over.

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