hat trick and

Las Vegas - Gonna pass on the picks today because after hitting the hat trick yesterday (Twins over the White Sox, Tyson Fury by KO and the Kings over the Ducks), it's time to count the cash!!!
So, we're doing a deep dive on the NFL Draft which is right here in Vegas baabbbeee. Was on the Strip last night and saw them building a stage in the middle of the Bellagio Fountains. It's gonna be PHABULOUS! Before we peek at the props bets, gotta tell you about the entertainment. Weezer steps on to the stage following the conclusion of Round 1 on Thursday. Not really a Weezer fan, but not shooting any poison arrows either. Ice Cube will headline Day 2 following Round 3 on Friday. Actually LOVE Cube, and thinking about investing in the BIG3 hoop league. Closing it out on Saturday following Round 7, it's Marshmello. So, truth be told, NO idea who Marshmello is, and don't know why they forgot the W at the end of his name. That's the entertainment. We'll be looking to make some cash with an array of delicious props, like which players will be drafted in the Top 5, the Top 10 and even the Top 32. Which QB will go 1st, 2nd or 3rd. And many, many more. Not sure I'll have enough time to attend the concerts, but will make time to study like crazy and pass along some winning prop picks.