money vegas

Las Vegas - Still not betting the NFL preseason, but there are a handful of line moves that might interest you. In tonight's action, the Colts opened at -3.5 and dropped to -2. The Jets opened -4 and are now up to -5.5. and the Panthers opened -2.5 and have jumped to -4. Tomorrow, we have seen some significant money come in on the Bills who opened at -7.5 and are now sitting at -9. And on Sunday, we've had a change of favorites. The Dolphins opened up -1.5 points over the Bengals, but money has moved Cincy to a -1.5 point fav. Good luck.
On to a tasty intracity battle between the White Sox and Cubs. Am I worried that Dallas Keuchel gave up six earned runs in his last start against the Rays? Not really. Every time Keuchel has allowed four or more earned runs, he has bounced back in the very next start with a W with one exception. Also not worried because the White Sox have THE BEST HOME RECORD (42-23) in the American League. Gotta pay a premium, but the Sox are worth the money, and, you can BOOK IT!
If you've been waiting for the numbers from the Nevada casinos' net win in July, here you go...
- Penny slots $358.5 million
- Baccarat $160.1 million
- Blackjack $122.2 million
- Roulette $46.5 million
- Craps $42.2 million
- Sports $33.3 million