
Las Vegas - Looking at perfection, but it's gonna cost. Clayton Kershaw didn't get rolling till the middle of April, and as usual, he's been, well, Clayton Kershaw. Perfection? He is 6-0 so far at home. He has started 10 games at Dodger Stadium, and his guys have won nine of 10. And his last three starts in L.A. have been basically UNFAIR to the opposition. Why? In 20 innings, Kersh, yea, we're tight so I get to use his nickname, has allowed only 10 hits and one earned run, ONE! That works out to an INVISIBLE 0.45 ERA. WHAT! San Diego sends Joey Lucchesi to the hill, and while the kid has been okay, 7-5 with a 4.12 ERA, he has just one win since June 17. GaGa for LaLa!