ncaaf Matchup Report

September 21, 2024, 03:30 | L&N Federal Credit Union Stadium
Georgia Tech
Yellow Jackets
Georgia Tech
+285 -365
+285 -370
+270 -330
+300 -380
Sep 21
3:30 PM
+10.5 -122 -10.5 -110
+10 -110 -10 -110
+9.5 -109 -9.5 -109
+10.5 -110 -10.5 -110
57.5 o -111 u -111
56.5 o -110 u -110
57.5 o -110 u -110
57 o -110 u -110
Recent Form
Name Record ATS Offense Defense Diff ATS Home ATS Away OU Record OU Home OU Away
Georgia Tech 3-1 3-1 36.50 17.75 18.75 3-0 0-1 1-3 1-2 0-1
Louisville 2-0 2-0 55.50 7.00 48.50 2-0 0-0 2-0 2-0 0-0
Power Stats
Yards Per Point
Name Offense Defense Differential
GTECH 12.23 17.89 -5.66
LOUIS 10.64 28.29 -17.65
Yards Per Pass
Name Offense Defense Differential
GTECH 12.14 10.51 1.63
LOUIS 13.1 7.48 5.62
Yards Per Rush
Name Offense Defense Differential
GTECH 5.6 3.28 2.32
LOUIS 8.22 2.48 5.74
Smart Chart
  • 36.50
  • 17.75
  • 18.75
  • 267.00
  • 179.25
  • 218.00
  • 98.50
  • -0.25
  • name
  • offense
  • defense
  • differential
  • passing yards
  • rush yards
  • passing yards allowed
  • rushing yards allowed
  • turnover differential
  • 55.50
  • 7.00
  • 48.5
  • 327.50
  • 263.00
  • 116.00
  • 82.00
  • -1.5

Team Records
Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Name Record Home Away ATS ATS Home ATS Away Offense Defense Diff
Overall 3-1 3-0 0-1 3-1 3-0 0-1 36.50 17.75 18.75
Last 3 2-1 2-0 0-1 2-1 2-0 0-1 40.67 16.67 24.00
vs Conf 1-1 1-0 0-1 1-1 1-0 0-1 0.00 0.00 0.00
Louisville Cardinals
Name Record Home Away ATS ATS Home ATS Away Offense Defense Diff
Overall 2-0 2-0 0-0 2-0 2-0 0-0 55.50 7.00 48.50
Last 3 2-0 2-0 0-0 2-0 2-0 0-0 55.50 7.00 48.50
vs Conf 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Title Stat Rank Stat Rank
Away Team Overall Scoring vs Home Team Overall Defense 29.00 81 7.00 14
Away Team Road Passing vs Home Team Home Passing Defense 266.00 18 116.00 29
Away Team Road Rushing vs Home Team Home Rushing Defense 112.00 41 82.00 40
Home Team Overall Scoring vs Away Team Overall Defense 55.50 3 21.33 73
Home Team Home Passing vs Away Team Road Passing Defense 327.50 24 381.00 79
Home Team Home Rushing vs Away Team Road Rushing Defense 263.00 23 134.00 30
Head To Head Summary
Name Record ATS OU Score Rush YPR PA CP PY TY TO +/-
Georgia Tech 2-1 3-0 3-0 48.67 303.00 6.64 18.67 57.14 191.00 497.33 0.67
Louisville 1-2 0-3 3-0 32.33 194.00 5.54 36.00 59.26 282.00 476.00 2.33
Head To Head Detail
Date Away Home Score Line Total OU Result ARY APY ATY ATT HRY HPY HTY HTT Away Team Attempts Home Team Attempts Away Team Completions Home Team Completions
Sep 1, 2023 LOUIS GTECH 39-34 227 247 474 1 175 303 488 2
Oct 9, 2020 LOUIS GTECH 27-46 242 229 471 3 192 258 450 0
Oct 5, 2018 GATECH LOUISV 66-31 542 12 554 0 113 370 483 3
Betting Odds Trends
Team Last 5 Games
Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets
Date Opponent score Result line ATS Result offensive rush yards offensive passing yards offensive total yards defensive rush yards defensive passing yards defensive total yards turnovers Location
Sep 14, 2024 VMI 59-7 W -44.5/53.5 W/O 190 382 572 12 92 104 -1 H
Sep 7, 2024 CUSE 28-31 L -3/60.5 L/U 112 266 378 134 381 515 0 A
Aug 31, 2024 GAST 35-12 W -20.5/55.5 W/U 225 274 499 150 210 360 0 H
Aug 24, 2024 FSU 24-21 W 10.5/54.5 W/U 190 146 336 98 189 291 0 H
Dec 22, 2023 UCF 30-17 W 6/66.5 W/U 284 87 371 169 230 424 -1 A
Louisville Cardinals
Date Opponent score Result line ATS Result offensive rush yards offensive passing yards offensive total yards defensive rush yards defensive passing yards defensive total yards turnovers Location
Sep 7, 2024 JVST 49-14 W -28.5/56.5 W/O 233 377 610 130 160 290 -1 H
Aug 31, 2024 PEAY 62-0 W -39.5/54.5 W/O 293 278 571 34 72 106 -2 H
Dec 27, 2023 USC 28-42 L -4.5/58.5 L/O 220 124 361 71 372 443 1 A
Dec 2, 2023 FSU 6-16 L -1/46 L/U 77 52 188 164 30 219 1 A
Nov 25, 2023 UK 31-38 L -7.5/48 L/O 161 229 403 83 187 289 2 H