mlb Umpire Report

Austin Jones

Overall Stats
Games: 6
Home SU: 2-4
Home Money: -286
K'S Per Game: 16.17
BB Per Game: 6.5
Runs per Game: 7.67
1 Run Games: 2
Favorite Stats (ATS)
Home Favorite Record: 2-4
Home Small Favorite (-100 to -140): 1-0
Home Medium Favorite (-145 to -185): 0-2
Home Strong Favorite (-190 to -230): 0-1
Home Big FAVORITE (-235+): 1-1
Underdog Stats (ATS)
Home Underdog Record: 0-0
Home Small Underdog (100 to 140): 0-0
Home Medium Underdog (145 to 185): 0-0
Home Strong Underdog (190 to 230): 0-0
Home Big Underdog (235+): 0-0
Total Stats
OU Record: 2-4
Small OU (8 OR LESS): 1-2
Medium OU (8½ - 10): 1-2
Strong OU (200 - 210): 0-0
Big OU (12½+): 0-0