ncaab Game Recap
San Francisco Falls 72-63 to BYU - Recap
BYU grabbed a 72-63 win over San Francisco on Saturday, behind a 19-point effort from Alex Barcello at War Memorial Gymnasium.
BYU was the ATS victor, as they covered the -2.0-point spread as a favorite.
BYU got 13 points from Richard Harward and another 12 points from Gideon George. Matt Haarms contributed 3 assists, while Richard Harward cleaned the glass with 11 rebounds.
San Francisco got 30 points from Khalil Shabazz in a losing cause and another 10 points from Dzmitry Ryuny. Taavi Jurkatamm contributed 3 assists for them, while Taavi Jurkatamm had 6 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed San Francisco were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
BYU won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 41-24.
BYU looks to continue their winning ways next game with a battle against the Portland. San Francisco will aim to get back on the winning track at Santa Clara.