ncaab Game Recap
Jacksonville vs Kennesaw State Final: 62-57 - Recap
Kennesaw State was victimized by Kevion Nolan for 32 points as Jacksonville defeated them 62-57 in NCAA action on Friday.
Tyreese Davis had 10 points for Jacksonville and Bryce Workman chipped in with 9 points. Corey Romich had 2 assists for them, while Bryce Workman was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 8 boards.
Kennesaw State got a 13-point performance from Spencer Rodgers, who was supported by 11 points from Brandon Stroud. Terrell Burden had 5 assists in a losing cause for Kennesaw State, while Brandon Stroud grabbed 7 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed Kennesaw State were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
The rebound battle favored Jacksonville as they grabbed 37 boards, while Kennesaw State only had 27