ncaab Game Recap
Northern Kentucky Norse vs Cleveland State Vikings Wrap - Cleveland State Wins 58-44
Cleveland State earned a 58-44 victory over Northern Kentucky on Friday, getting 14 points from Torrey Patton at Wolstein Center.
Cleveland State was a -1.5-point favorite in the win, and managed to turn a profit for their supporters.
Cleveland State got 9 points from Jayson Woodrich and another 8 points from Deante Johnson. Torrey Patton contributed 3 assists, while Tre Gomillion cleaned the glass with 10 rebounds.
Northern Kentucky got 17 points from Trevon Faulkner in a losing cause and another 7 points from Adrian Nelson. Marques Warrick contributed 3 assists for them, while Adrian Nelson had 11 rebounds.
Cleveland State led at halftime, $HalfScore.
Cleveland State won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 38-37.