ncaab Game Recap
Recap - Southern Illinois-Edwardsville Defeats Tennessee State 68-60
Southern Illinois-Edwardsville got 16 points from Carlos Curtis as they ran past Tennessee State 68-60 on Thursday at Sam M. Vadalabene Center.
Southern Illinois-Edwardsville was an underdog by +1.0 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.
Southern Illinois-Edwardsville got 14 points from Courtney Carter and another 12 points from Shamar Wright. Carlos Curtis contributed 5 assists, while Shamar Wright cleaned the glass with 11 rebounds.
Tennessee State got 30 points from Shakem Johnson in a losing cause and another 12 points from Mark Freeman. Mark Freeman contributed 5 assists for them, while Shakem Johnson had 9 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed Southern Illinois-Edwardsville were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
Southern Illinois-Edwardsville won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 40-37.
Next game, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville takes its act home to face Belmont looking for another win. For Tennessee State, they head on the road to face Eastern Illinois.