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California Falls 59-57 Against Oregon State - Game Recap

Roman Silva scored 15 points leading Oregon State to a 59-57 victory over California at Haas Pavilion on Thursday.

Oregon State was a favorite by -1.0 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.

Ethan Thompson had 12 points for Oregon State and Jarod Lucas chipped in with 10 points. Ethan Thompson had 3 assists for them, while Warith Alatishe was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 11 boards.

California got 20 points from Matt Bradley in a losing cause and another 15 points from Andre Kelly. Grant Anticevich contributed 3 assists for them, while Jalen Celestine had 6 rebounds.

Oregon State trailed at halftime, $HalfScore.

The rebound battle favored California as they grabbed 24 boards, while Oregon State only had 22

Next game, Oregon State takes its act on the road to face Stanford looking for another win. For California, they head home to face Oregon.