ncaab Game Recap
Greensboro Pride vs North Carolina A&T Aggies Recap - North Carolina A&T Wins 91-45
The battle between North Carolina A&T and Greensboro didn’t turn out to be much of a battle at all as Greensboro was handed a 91-45 defeat on Friday at Corbett Sports Center.
Tyler Jones had 16 points for North Carolina A&T and Quentin Jones chipped in with 14 points. Blake Harris had 6 assists for them, while Tyrone Lyons was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 9 boards.
Greensboro got a 14-point performance from Matthew Brown, who was supported by 9 points from Kevon Meertins. Bradley Pierce had 2 assists in a losing cause for Greensboro, while Jared Amritt grabbed 4 rebounds.
North Carolina A&T was winning at the break before taking care of business in the second half.
North Carolina A&T won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 53-20.