ncaab Game Recap
Georgia Tech vs Stetson Final: 77-52 - Recap
The battle between Georgia Tech and Stetson didn’t turn out to be much of a battle at all as Stetson was handed a 77-52 defeat on Friday at McCamish Pavilion.
Georgia Tech got 17 points from Michael Devoe and another 14 points from Jordan Usher. Michael Devoe contributed 7 assists, while Jordan Usher cleaned the glass with 11 rebounds.
Stetson got 13 points from Chase Johnston in a losing cause and another 11 points from Josh Smith. Giancarlo Valdez contributed 5 assists for them, while Josh Smith had 6 rebounds.
Georgia Tech led at halftime, $HalfScore.
Georgia Tech won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 38-28.
Georgia Tech looks to continue their winning ways next game with a battle against the Lamar. Stetson will aim to get back on the winning track at Miami-Ohio.