ncaab Game Recap
Portland Defeats Alcorn State 62-58 - Recap
Portland got 19 points from Tyler Robertson en route to a 62-58 victory over Alcorn State on Saturday at Earle A. Chiles Center.
Chris Austin had 16 points for Portland and Moses Wood chipped in with 14 points. Mike Meadows had 4 assists for them, while Chris Austin was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 4 boards.
Alcorn State got 20 points from Byron Joshua in a losing cause and another 10 points from Dominic Brewton. Paul King contributed 1 assists for them, while Lenell Henry had 12 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed Portland were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
The rebound battle favored Alcorn State as they grabbed 40 boards, while Portland only had 27
Portland heads into a battle against Arkansas-Pine Bluff. Alcorn State, meanwhile, will have their next action against Gonzaga.