ncaab Game Recap
IUPUI Falls 63-47 to Denver - Recap
Denver grabbed a 63-47 win over IUPUI on Monday, behind a 22-point effort from KJ Hunt at UTSA Convocation Center.
Denver was a +2.0-point underdog in the win, and managed to turn a profit for their supporters.
Denver got 21 points from Michael Henn and another 6 points from Payton Moore. Coban Porter contributed 3 assists, while Payton Moore cleaned the glass with 8 rebounds.
IUPUI got a 14-point performance from B.J. Maxwell, who was supported by 13 points from Bobby Harvey. Bakari LaStrap had 4 assists in a losing cause for IUPUI, while Bobby Harvey grabbed 6 rebounds.
Denver led at halftime, 37-20.
IUPUI won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 34-26.
Next game, Denver takes its act on the road to face UTSA looking for another win. For IUPUI, they head home to face Texas A&M-Corpus Christi.