ncaab Game Recap
Denver vs UC San Diego Final: 64-56 - Recap
Denver grabbed a 64-56 win over UC San Diego on Wednesday, behind a 24-point effort from KJ Hunt at Hamilton Gymnasium.
Denver was the ATS victor, as they covered the +4.0-point spread as an underdog.
Denver got 12 points from Touko Tainamo and another 10 points from Coban Porter. KJ Hunt contributed 4 assists, while Payton Moore cleaned the glass with 9 rebounds.
UC San Diego got a 13-point performance from Bryce Pope, who was supported by 11 points from Kaden Rasheed. Jace Roquemore had 3 assists in a losing cause for UC San Diego, while Jace Roquemore grabbed 5 rebounds.
Denver led at halftime, $HalfScore.
The rebound battle favored Denver as they grabbed 40 boards, while UC San Diego only had 27
Denver heads into a battle against Western Illinois. UC San Diego, meanwhile, will have their next action against Cal Tech.