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Idaho State Bengals vs Montana Grizzlies Recap - Montana Wins 78-54

Idaho State was run off the court by Montana on Thursday as they blasted them 78-54 at Dahlberg Arena.

Montana was a favorite by -12.0 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.

Montana got 19 points from Josh Bannan and another 12 points from Mack Anderson. Cameron Parker contributed 4 assists, while Josh Bannan cleaned the glass with 10 rebounds.

Idaho State got 15 points from Brayden Parker in a losing cause and another 13 points from Malik Porter. Brayden Parker contributed 2 assists for them, while Malik Porter had 11 rebounds.

Montana led at halftime, $HalfScore.

Idaho State won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 32-26.

Montana heads into a battle against Weber State. Idaho State, meanwhile, will have their next action against Montana State.