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Kennesaw State Owls vs Jacksonville Dolphins Wrap - Jacksonville Wins 59-56

Jacksonville grabbed a 59-56 win over Kennesaw State on Saturday, behind a 18-point effort from Kevion Nolan at Swisher Gym.

Jacksonville got 15 points from Bryce Workman and another 10 points from Jordan Davis. Tyreese Davis contributed 2 assists, while Mike Marsh cleaned the glass with 9 rebounds.

Kennesaw State got a 13-point performance from Chris Youngblood, who was supported by 9 points from Spencer Rodgers. Terrell Burden had 3 assists in a losing cause for Kennesaw State, while Alex Peterson grabbed 8 rebounds.

Jacksonville led at halftime, $HalfScore.

Jacksonville had a 33-22 advantage in the rebounding department as they won the battle in the paint.

Jacksonville heads into a battle against North Florida. Kennesaw State, meanwhile, will have their next action against Stetson.