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Central Connecticut State Blue Devils vs Rutgers Scarlet Knights Recap - Rutgers Wins 79-48

Rutgers blew out Central Connecticut State on Saturday, running up the score in a 79-48 win at Jersey Mike's Arena.

Clifford Omoruyi had 19 points for Rutgers and Geo Baker chipped in with 11 points. Paul Mulcahy had 8 assists for them, while Clifford Omoruyi was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 12 boards.

Central Connecticut State got a 12-point performance from Stephane Ayangma, who was supported by 12 points from Joe Ostrowsky. Trenton McLaughlin had 3 assists in a losing cause for Central Connecticut State, while Stephane Ayangma grabbed 10 rebounds.

First-half bettors who backed Rutgers were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.

Rutgers won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 48-28.

Next game, Rutgers takes its act home to face Michigan looking for another win. For Central Connecticut State, they head home to face Sacred Heart.