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North Alabama vs Morehead State Final: 81-75 - Recap

North Alabama got 22 points from KJ Johnson en route to a 81-75 victory over Morehead State on Saturday at Ellis T Johnson Arena.

North Alabama got 15 points from Jacari Lane and another 13 points from Bryson Dawkins. Jacari Lane contributed 2 assists, while Bryson Dawkins cleaned the glass with 6 rebounds.

Morehead State got 18 points from Mark Freeman in a losing cause and another 12 points from LJ Bryan. Mark Freeman contributed 5 assists for them, while LJ Bryan had 9 rebounds.

First-half bettors who backed Morehead State were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.

North Alabama won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 32-31.

North Alabama heads into a battle against Alabama State. Morehead State, meanwhile, will have their next action against East Tennessee State.