ncaab Game Recap
Trevecca Nazrne Trojans vs Belmont Bruins Recap - Belmont Wins 83-53
Trevecca Nazrne was run off the court by Belmont on Tuesday as they blasted them 83-53 at Curb Event Center.
Ben Sheppard had 16 points for Belmont and Cade Tyson chipped in with 13 points. Keishawn Davidson had 4 assists for them, while Cade Tyson was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 5 boards.
Trevecca Nazrne got a 8-point performance from Caleb Terry, who was supported by 8 points from Jaden Smallwood. Josh Goings had 4 assists in a losing cause for Trevecca Nazrne, while Seth Thomas grabbed 6 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed Belmont were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
The rebound battle favored Trevecca Nazrne as they grabbed 33 boards, while Belmont only had 27