ncaab Game Recap
New Hampshire Downs Brandeis 79-47 - Match Report
New Hampshire cruised to victory on Monday, running Brandeis out of the gym and running up a 79-47 score at Lundholm Gym.
New Hampshire got 18 points from Clarence O. Daniels II and another 18 points from Kyree Brown. Kyree Brown contributed 5 assists, while Matt Herasme cleaned the glass with 12 rebounds.
Brandeis got a 16-point performance from Toby Harris, who was supported by 12 points from Ryan Power. Darret Justice had 3 assists in a losing cause for Brandeis, while Toby Harris grabbed 5 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed New Hampshire were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
New Hampshire had a 42-22 advantage in the rebounding department as they won the battle in the paint.