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Holy Cross Falls 76-58 Against Lehigh - Game Recap

Lehigh got 21 points from Tyler Whitney-Sidney as they ran past Holy Cross 76-58 on Wednesday at Stabler Arena.

Lehigh got 12 points from Evan Taylor and another 9 points from Dominic Parolin. Ben Knostman contributed 3 assists, while Evan Taylor cleaned the glass with 7 rebounds.

Holy Cross got 24 points from Gerrale Gates in a losing cause and another 15 points from Will Batchelder. Jade Tse contributed 4 assists for them, while Gerrale Gates had 11 rebounds.

Lehigh led at halftime, $HalfScore.

Lehigh had a 31-25 advantage in the rebounding department as they won the battle in the paint.

Lehigh heads into a battle against American. Holy Cross, meanwhile, will have their next action against Lafayette.