ncaab Game Recap
West Coast Baptist Eagles vs Southern Utah Thunderbirds Wrap - Southern Utah Wins 120-49
West Coast Baptist was run off the court by Southern Utah on Tuesday as they blasted them 120-49 at America First Event Center.
Southern Utah got 23 points from Parsa Fallah and another 17 points from Dee Barnes. Deng Dut contributed 6 assists, while Parsa Fallah cleaned the glass with 17 rebounds.
West Coast Baptist got 17 points from Job Sichting in a losing cause and another 14 points from Ethan Delaney. Kristoffer Galindez contributed 3 assists for them, while Job Sichting had 3 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed Southern Utah were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
Southern Utah won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 59-20.