ncaab Game Recap
UC-Santa Barbara Falls 81-69 to UC Irvine - Recap
UC Irvine got 19 points from Justin Hohn as they ran past UC-Santa Barbara 81-69 on Thursday at Bren Events Center.
UC Irvine was a -11.0-point favorite in the win, and managed to turn a profit for their supporters.
UC Irvine got 16 points from Derin Saran and another 15 points from Andre Henry. Pierre Crockrell II contributed 5 assists, while Devin Tillis cleaned the glass with 8 rebounds.
UC-Santa Barbara got 22 points from Yohan Traore in a losing cause and another 17 points from Ajay Mitchell. Jason Fontenet II contributed 3 assists for them, while Ajay Mitchell had 6 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed UC Irvine were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
UC Irvine won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 38-26.
Next game, UC Irvine takes its act on the road to face UC San Diego looking for another win. For UC-Santa Barbara, they head home to face Cal Poly.