ncaab Game Recap
Chattanooga vs East Tennessee State Final: 84-71 - Recap
Honor Huff poured in 31 points for Chattanooga on Wednesday, as they defeated East Tennessee State 84-71 at McKenzie Arena.
Chattanooga was a favorite by -7.5 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.
Trey Bonham had 14 points for Chattanooga and Tyler Millin chipped in with 12 points. Trey Bonham had 8 assists for them, while Sam Alexis was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 8 boards.
East Tennessee State got 22 points from Quimari Peterson in a losing cause and another 19 points from Jaden Seymour. Allen Strothers contributed 4 assists for them, while Jadyn Parker had 7 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed Chattanooga were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
Chattanooga had a 32-23 advantage in the rebounding department as they won the battle in the paint.
Chattanooga heads into a battle against Furman. East Tennessee State, meanwhile, will have their next action against Western Carolina.