ncaab Game Recap
New Mexico State Falls 91-74 to UC Irvine - Recap
UC Irvine earned a 91-74 victory over New Mexico State on Saturday, getting 19 points from Andre Henry at Bren Events Center.
UC Irvine was a favorite by -9.0 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.
UC Irvine got 18 points from Devin Tillis and another 14 points from Justin Hohn. Pierre Crockrell II contributed 8 assists, while Devin Tillis cleaned the glass with 10 rebounds.
New Mexico State got 18 points from Robert Carpenter in a losing cause and another 13 points from Christian Cook. Jordan Rawls contributed 3 assists for them, while Kaosi Ezeagu had 8 rebounds.
UC Irvine led at halftime, $HalfScore.
The rebound battle favored UC Irvine as they grabbed 40 boards, while New Mexico State only had 25
Next game, UC Irvine takes its act on the road to face USC looking for another win. For New Mexico State, they head home to face Western New Mexico.