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Quinnipiac Falls 83-74 Against Fairfield - Game Recap

Quinnipiac was victimized for 35 points and 12 rebounds by Prophet Johnson as Fairfield defeated them 83-74 in NCAA action on Saturday.

Fairfield was a +1.5-point underdog in the win, and managed to turn a profit for their supporters.

Fairfield got 16 points from Braden Sparks and another 9 points from Peyton Smith. Jamie Bergens contributed 4 assists, while Prophet Johnson cleaned the glass with 12 rebounds.

Quinnipiac got a 22-point performance from Richie Springs, who was supported by 14 points from Ryan Mabrey. Khaden Bennett had 6 assists in a losing cause for Quinnipiac, while Richie Springs grabbed 14 rebounds.

Fairfield led at halftime, $HalfScore.

The rebound battle favored Quinnipiac as they grabbed 38 boards, while Fairfield only had 35