ncaab Game Recap
Recap - Idaho State Defeats Embry-Riddle 97-46
The battle between Idaho State and Embry-Riddle didn’t turn out to be much of a battle at all as Embry-Riddle was handed a 97-46 defeat on Monday at Reed Gym.
Idaho State got 18 points from Connor Hollenbeck and another 14 points from Jake O'Neil. Dylan Darling contributed 10 assists, while Jake O'Neil cleaned the glass with 10 rebounds.
Embry-Riddle got 8 points from Christian Wells in a losing cause and another 7 points from Peter Dress. Isaiah Wong contributed 4 assists for them, while Christian Wells had 4 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed Idaho State were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
Idaho State won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 40-17.