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Old Dominion Downs Maryland-Eastern Shore 73-71 - Match Report

Old Dominion got 23 points from Devin Ceaser as they ran past Maryland-Eastern Shore 73-71 on Friday at Chartway Arena.

Old Dominion got 15 points from Sean Durugordon and another 10 points from Robert Davis Jr.. Robert Davis Jr. contributed 4 assists, while Caelum Swanton-Rodger cleaned the glass with 14 rebounds.

Maryland-Eastern Shore got 30 points from Ketron Shaw in a losing cause and another 10 points from Evan Johnson. Evan Johnson contributed 4 assists for them, while Jalen Ware had 11 rebounds.

Old Dominion led at halftime, $HalfScore.

Old Dominion won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 40-30.

Old Dominion heads into a battle against Randolph Macon. Maryland-Eastern Shore, meanwhile, will have their next action against Gallaudet.