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South Alabama vs Arkansas State Final: 76-62 - Recap

Elijah Ormiston scored 22 points leading South Alabama to a 76-62 victory over Arkansas State at Mitchell Center on Thursday.

Bettors who backed South Alabama were also rewarded, as they covered the closing number as a favorite of -1.0 at sportsbooks.

Judah Brown had 11 points for South Alabama and Myles Corey chipped in with 11 points. Myles Corey had 6 assists for them, while John Broom was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 9 boards.

Arkansas State got a 18-point performance from Taryn Todd, who was supported by 17 points from Joseph Pinion. Avery Felts had 4 assists in a losing cause for Arkansas State, while Joseph Pinion grabbed 9 rebounds.

First-half bettors who backed South Alabama were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.

South Alabama won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 33-31.

Next game, South Alabama takes its act home to face Old Dominion looking for another win. For Arkansas State, they head on the road to face Troy.