ncaab Game Recap
South Dakota vs North Dakota Final: 92-79 - Recap
Chase Forte poured in 31 points for South Dakota on Saturday, as they defeated North Dakota 92-79 at Sanford Coyote Sports Center.
South Dakota was a -4.0-point favorite in the win, and managed to turn a profit for their supporters.
Isaac Bruns had 19 points for South Dakota and Dre Bullock chipped in with 15 points. Dre Bullock had 3 assists for them, while Isaac Bruns was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 7 boards.
North Dakota got a 16-point performance from Mier Panoam, who was supported by 15 points from Dariyus Woodson. Treysen Eaglestaff had 5 assists in a losing cause for North Dakota, while Deng Mayar grabbed 7 rebounds.
First-half bettors who backed South Dakota were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.
South Dakota won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 40-31.