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UC Irvine vs Hawaii Final: 66-49 - Recap

Bent Leuchten scored 21 points leading UC Irvine to a 66-49 victory over Hawaii at SimpliFI Arena at Stan Sheriff Center on Sunday.

UC Irvine was a favorite by -5.5 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.

UC Irvine got 15 points from Devin Tillis and another 10 points from Jurian Dixon. Justin Hohn contributed 4 assists, while Bent Leuchten cleaned the glass with 7 rebounds.

Hawaii got a 11-point performance from Tanner Christensen, who was supported by 10 points from Aaron Hunkin-Claytor. Aaron Hunkin-Claytor had 3 assists in a losing cause for Hawaii, while Ryan Rapp grabbed 8 rebounds.

First-half bettors who backed UC Irvine were victorious, as the score was 35-23 at the break.

UC Irvine heads into a battle against Cal State-Northridge. Hawaii, meanwhile, will have their next action against UC San Diego.