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Morgan State vs Central Penn College Final: 123-70 - Recap

Central Penn College was run off the court by Morgan State on Sunday as they blasted them 123-70 at Hill Field House.

Wynston Tabbs had 27 points for Morgan State and Rob Lawson chipped in with 20 points. Kameron Hobbs had 7 assists for them, while Daniel Akitoby was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 16 boards.

Central Penn College got 17 points from Dahsan King in a losing cause and another 12 points from Khalil Dukes. Tyray Cooper contributed 2 assists for them, while Richard Harley had 3 rebounds.

Morgan State led at halftime, $HalfScore.

Morgan State won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 42-24.