ncaab Game Recap
Recap - Sam Houston State Defeats Trinity-TX 105-78
Trinity-TX was run off the court by Sam Houston State on Thursday as they blasted them 105-78 at Bernard G. Johnson Coliseum.
Sam Houston State got 26 points from Cameron Huefner and another 25 points from Lamar Wilkerson. Dorian Finister contributed 5 assists, while Jaxson Ford cleaned the glass with 9 rebounds.
Trinity-TX got 15 points from Jacob Harvey in a losing cause and another 14 points from Rob Conrad. Carter Ruck contributed 3 assists for them, while Braxton Barry had 7 rebounds.
Sam Houston State led at halftime, $HalfScore.
Sam Houston State won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 41-32.