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Tennessee-Martin Falls 52-51 Against Lindenwood - Game Recap

Lindenwood got 16 points from Clayton Jackson as they ran past Tennessee-Martin 52-51 on Thursday at Kathleen and Tom Elam Center.

Lindenwood was a +6.0-point underdog in the win, and managed to turn a profit for their supporters.

Lindenwood got 11 points from Jadis Jones and another 8 points from Markeith Browning II. Anias Futrell contributed 3 assists, while Jadis Jones cleaned the glass with 11 rebounds.

Tennessee-Martin got a 11-point performance from Tarence Guinyard, who was supported by 9 points from Lamine Niang. Filip Radakovic had 3 assists in a losing cause for Tennessee-Martin, while Andrija Bukumirovic grabbed 12 rebounds.

Lindenwood led at halftime, 29-22.

The rebound battle favored Tennessee-Martin as they grabbed 41 boards, while Lindenwood only had 34

Lindenwood heads into a battle against Tennessee State. Tennessee-Martin, meanwhile, will have their next action against Western Illinois.