ncaab Game Recap
Western Illinois Falls 81-70 Against Tennessee-Martin - Game Recap
Tennessee-Martin got 20 points from Tarence Guinyard as they ran past Western Illinois 81-70 on Saturday at Kathleen and Tom Elam Center.
Tennessee-Martin was a favorite by -7.0 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.
Vladimer Salaridze had 18 points for Tennessee-Martin and Filip Radakovic chipped in with 11 points. Tarence Guinyard had 3 assists for them, while Tarence Guinyard was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 6 boards.
Western Illinois got a 27-point performance from Marko Maletic, who was supported by 17 points from Trey Deveaux. Tay Knox had 4 assists in a losing cause for Western Illinois, while Caleb Thompson grabbed 7 rebounds.
Tennessee-Martin led at halftime, $HalfScore.
Western Illinois won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 34-31.
Next game, Tennessee-Martin takes its act on the road to face Southern Illinois-Edwardsville looking for another win. For Western Illinois, they head home to face Southern Indiana.