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Recap - North Dakota State Defeats Northern Colorado 82-70

North Dakota State grabbed a 82-70 win over Northern Colorado on Saturday, behind a 18-point effort from Jacksen Moni at Scheels Center.

Bettors who backed North Dakota State were also rewarded, as they covered the closing number as a favorite of -2.0 at sportsbooks.

North Dakota State got 11 points from Masen Miller and another 11 points from Tajavis Miller. Jacksen Moni contributed 4 assists, while Noah Feddersen cleaned the glass with 11 rebounds.

Northern Colorado got 19 points from Isaiah Hawthorne in a losing cause and another 15 points from Jaron Rillie. Quinn Denker contributed 3 assists for them, while Isaiah Hawthorne had 10 rebounds.

First-half bettors who backed North Dakota State were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.

The rebound battle favored North Dakota State as they grabbed 37 boards, while Northern Colorado only had 26

Next game, North Dakota State takes its act on the road to face Butler looking for another win. For Northern Colorado, they head home to face Air Force.