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Wofford vs Western Carolina Final: 90-67 - Recap

Wofford cruised to victory on Wednesday, running Western Carolina out of the gym and running up a 90-67 score at Ramsey Center.

Wofford was a -8.5-point favorite in the win, and managed to turn a profit for their supporters.

Justin Bailey had 18 points for Wofford and Corey Tripp chipped in with 15 points. Kyler Filewich had 5 assists for them, while Kyler Filewich was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 11 boards.

Western Carolina got a 19-point performance from Marcus Kell, who was supported by 18 points from Bernard Pelote. Brandon Morgan had 3 assists in a losing cause for Western Carolina, while Bernard Pelote grabbed 9 rebounds.

Wofford was winning at the break before taking care of business in the second half.

Wofford had a 40-31 advantage in the rebounding department as they won the battle in the paint.

Wofford looks to continue their winning ways next game with a battle against the Furman. Western Carolina will aim to get back on the winning track at Mercer.