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Chattanooga vs UNC Greensboro Final: 75-63 - Recap

Chattanooga earned a 75-63 victory over UNC Greensboro on Thursday, getting 18 points from Bash Wieland at First Horizon Coliseum.

Chattanooga was the ATS victor, as they covered the +1.0-point spread as an underdog.

Chattanooga got 16 points from Trey Bonham and another 15 points from Honor Huff. Latif Diouf contributed 2 assists, while Trey Bonham cleaned the glass with 8 rebounds.

UNC Greensboro got 17 points from Ronald Polite III in a losing cause and another 14 points from Demetrius Davis. Ronald Polite III contributed 5 assists for them, while Jalen Breath had 9 rebounds.

Chattanooga led at halftime, 34-32.

Chattanooga won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 34-25.

Chattanooga heads into a battle against VMI. UNC Greensboro, meanwhile, will have their next action against Samford.