ncaab Game Recap
Stony Brook Falls 77-70 Against Albany - Game Recap
Albany got 16 points from Justin Neely en route to a 77-70 victory over Stony Brook on Sunday at Broadview Center.
Albany got 15 points from Amar'e Marshall and another 10 points from Kacper Klaczek. Amar'e Marshall contributed 4 assists, while Justin Neely cleaned the glass with 9 rebounds.
Stony Brook got 19 points from Ben Wight in a losing cause and another 13 points from Joe Octave. Joe Octave contributed 3 assists for them, while Ben Wight had 7 rebounds.
Albany led at halftime, $HalfScore.
Albany won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 32-29.
Albany heads into a battle against UMass-Lowell. Stony Brook, meanwhile, will have their next action against Monmouth.