ncaab Game Recap
Davidson vs UMass Final: 77-68 - Recap
UMass was victimized for 21 points and 10 rebounds by Reed Bailey as Davidson defeated them 77-68 in NCAA action on Wednesday.
Davidson was an underdog by +1.5 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.
Davidson got 13 points from Zach Laput and another 12 points from Connor Kochera. Mike Loughnane contributed 7 assists, while Reed Bailey cleaned the glass with 10 rebounds.
UMass got 14 points from Jaylen Curry in a losing cause and another 12 points from Daniel Rivera. Jayden Ndjigue contributed 5 assists for them, while Malek Abdelgowad had 7 rebounds.
Davidson was winning at the break before taking care of business in the second half.
The rebound battle favored Davidson as they grabbed 35 boards, while UMass only had 30
Next game, Davidson takes its act home to face George Washington looking for another win. For UMass, they head home to face St. Bonaventure.