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Hofstra Pride vs Stony Brook Seawolves Wrap - Stony Brook Wins 59-56

Stony Brook got 19 points from CJ Luster II as they ran past Hofstra 59-56 on Thursday at Stony Brook Arena.

Stony Brook was an underdog by +6.5 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.

Stony Brook got 17 points from Collin O'Connor and another 9 points from Ben Wight. Ben Wight contributed 3 assists, while Andre Snoddy cleaned the glass with 13 rebounds.

Hofstra got 17 points from Jean Aranguren in a losing cause and another 13 points from German Plotnikov. Cruz Davis contributed 4 assists for them, while Jean Aranguren had 8 rebounds.

Stony Brook led at halftime, $HalfScore.

The rebound battle favored Hofstra as they grabbed 36 boards, while Stony Brook only had 30

Next game, Stony Brook takes its act home to face Elon looking for another win. For Hofstra, they head home to face North Carolina A&T.