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George Mason vs Richmond Final: 64-60 - Recap

George Mason got 18 points from Darius Maddox en route to a 64-60 victory over Richmond on Saturday at Robins Center.

George Mason did not, however, defeat Richmond against the spread, which closed at -6.5 at most sportsbooks.

George Mason got 13 points from Jalen Haynes and another 9 points from Brayden O'Connor. K.D. Johnson contributed 4 assists, while Jalen Haynes cleaned the glass with 8 rebounds.

Richmond got 16 points from B. Artis White in a losing cause and another 10 points from Collin Tanner. B. Artis White contributed 4 assists for them, while Mike Walz had 6 rebounds.

George Mason trailed at halftime, $HalfScore.

George Mason had a 33-25 advantage in the rebounding department as they won the battle in the paint.