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Central Florida Falls 91-76 to Baylor - Recap

Baylor grabbed a 91-76 win over Central Florida on Saturday, behind a 18-point effort from Norchad Omier at Foster Pavilion.

Bettors who backed Baylor were also rewarded, as they covered the closing number as a favorite of -10.5 at sportsbooks.

VJ Edgecombe had 17 points for Baylor and Langston Love chipped in with 16 points. VJ Edgecombe had 5 assists for them, while Norchad Omier was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 12 boards.

Central Florida got 19 points from Keyshawn Hall in a losing cause and another 18 points from Moustapha Thiam. Darius Johnson contributed 5 assists for them, while Keyshawn Hall had 8 rebounds.

First-half bettors who backed Baylor were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.

Baylor heads into a battle against Houston. Central Florida, meanwhile, will have their next action against Iowa State.