ncaab Game Recap
South Florida Falls 69-61 to Charlotte - Recap
Charlotte got 19 points from Nik Graves en route to a 69-61 victory over South Florida on Wednesday at Dale F. Halton Arena.
Charlotte was an underdog by +2.0 points and came through with an ATS victory for bettors.
Kylan Blackmon had 15 points for Charlotte and Robert Braswell IV chipped in with 13 points. Giancarlo Rosado had 9 assists for them, while Giancarlo Rosado was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 11 boards.
South Florida got 14 points from Jayden Reid in a losing cause and another 9 points from Jimmie Williams. Kobe Knox contributed 2 assists for them, while Brandon Stroud had 7 rebounds.
Charlotte led at halftime, $HalfScore.
Charlotte won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 36-29.
Charlotte heads into a battle against Temple. South Florida, meanwhile, will have their next action against East Carolina.