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Maryland-Eastern Shore Hawks vs Delaware State Hornets Wrap - Delaware State Wins 75-68

Delaware State got 26 points from Robert Smith en route to a 75-68 victory over Maryland-Eastern Shore on Thursday at Memorial Hall.

Delaware State got 21 points from Kaseem Watson and another 12 points from Ponce James. Ponce James contributed 5 assists, while Kaseem Watson cleaned the glass with 6 rebounds.

Maryland-Eastern Shore got 22 points from Evan Johnson in a losing cause and another 16 points from Hassan Perkins. Hassan Perkins contributed 3 assists for them, while Evan Johnson had 5 rebounds.

First-half bettors who backed Delaware State were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.

Delaware State won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 25-24.