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Recap - Youngstown State Defeats Penn State Shenango 112-63

Penn State Shenango was run off the court by Youngstown State on Friday as they blasted them 112-63 at Beeghly Center.

EJ Farmer had 20 points for Youngstown State and Ty Harper chipped in with 17 points. David Wilkerson had 4 assists for them, while Cris Carroll was the team's top rebounder, grabbing 12 boards.

Penn State Shenango got 19 points from D'Montez Owens in a losing cause and another 18 points from Malik Davis. Izzy Santiago contributed 4 assists for them, while Izzy Santiago had 6 rebounds.

Youngstown State led at halftime, $HalfScore.

The rebound battle favored Youngstown State as they grabbed 71 boards, while Penn State Shenango only had 27