ncaab Game Recap
Ohio Valley Tournament - Tennessee-Martin Skyhawks vs Tennessee Tech Golden Eagles Recap - Tennessee-Martin Wins 70-67
Tennessee-Martin earned a 70-67 victory over Tennessee Tech on Wednesday, getting 18 points from Tarence Guinyard at Ford Center.
Bettors who backed Tennessee-Martin were also rewarded, as they covered the closing number as a favorite of -1.5 at sportsbooks.
Tennessee-Martin got 10 points from Matija Zuzic and another 8 points from Afan Trnka. Vladimer Salaridze contributed 4 assists, while Vladimer Salaridze cleaned the glass with 7 rebounds.
Tennessee Tech got 17 points from Grant Slatten in a losing cause and another 16 points from Jaylon Johnson. Jaylon Johnson contributed 5 assists for them, while Rodney Johnson Jr. had 9 rebounds.
Tennessee-Martin trailed at halftime, $HalfScore.
Tennessee-Martin won the battle of the boards, outrebounding their counterparts 37-29.