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Missouri Valley Tournament - Bradley Braves vs Drake Bulldogs Wrap - Drake Wins 63-48

Drake got 24 points from Bennett Stirtz as they ran past Bradley 63-48 on Sunday at Enterprise Center.

Bettors who backed Drake were also rewarded, as they covered the closing number as a favorite of -4.0 at sportsbooks.

Drake got 13 points from Tavion Banks and another 9 points from Cam Manyawu. Bennett Stirtz contributed 4 assists, while Tavion Banks cleaned the glass with 9 rebounds.

Bradley got a 19-point performance from Darius Hannah, who was supported by 8 points from Duke Deen. Duke Deen had 5 assists in a losing cause for Bradley, while Ahmet Jonovic grabbed 3 rebounds.

First-half bettors who backed Drake were victorious, as the score was $HalfScore at the break.

The rebound battle favored Drake as they grabbed 29 boards, while Bradley only had 16